The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and the Social Sciences

The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and the Social Sciences

The study of the concept of entrepreneurship is influenced by variety of disciplines, including sociology (influence and norms), psychology, anthropology and history, culture and law. This range of disciplines suggests that entrepreneurialism is both a process and a phenomenon.

The concept of entrepreneurship is elusive and this is evident in the definitions researchers have come up with for it. Many have embraced Schumpeterian entrepreneurial theories that are dynamic which describe it as the capacity of an individual to seize new opportunities and to create new enterprises. Others have highlighted the importance of entrepreneurial activity in larger organizations or communities. Still others have confined the definition to small-business owners and self-employed individuals who run their own businesses.

No matter which definition you pick, it’s widely accepted that entrepreneurship is vital for economic development and wellbeing because it is associated with the creation of jobs and productivity increases. It is also a major contributor to economic growth. Additionally social entrepreneurs are crucial contributors to society as they provide solutions to social problems.

There is increasing interest in incorporating this idea into entrepreneurship education. A number of researchers have begun to investigate the idea. There is a lack of research that has been conducted on the subject of social entrepreneurialism and higher education, and it is important to know what students learn from this type course. This article addresses this issue with an investigation of students’ experiences in a Social Enterprise class at a University in Pakistan.